JVM Parameter Settings for 64-bit Java on WLS Web Tier:

JVM Parameter Settings for 64-bit Java on WLS Web Tier:


If you are running Oracle E-Business Suite on 64-bit Java, bear in mind the following key points:

1. You can support 150-180 users per 1 GB of JVM heap size. Usually, one JVM is allocated per 2 CPUs.
2. Only the maximum allocated heap (Xmx) has an impact on response time. Changing the initial heap size (Xms) does not have an impact on response time.
3. For best results, use multiple managed instances. For example, two managed instances with a total of 4 GB heap size for each instance will provide a much better response times than one JVM with a total heap size of 8 GB.

4. Further to the previous point, use JVMs with a maximum of 4 GB, and scale for more users by using additional managed instances. There are two benefits from doing this:

• Garbage collection (GC) activity is more easily balanced (automatically) with multiple managed instances.
• Each instance will be able to utilize a separate connection pool. In essence, you need to maintain a balance between the allocated JVM heap size per instance and the available connection pool for that instance.


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